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The Tricky Part and Causa*Efecto are Felipe Morales Macowan personals blogs. In TTP I will try to find, analyze and define any interesting part (positive or negative) of marketing, communication, publicity and simple life. Marketing Causa*Efecto is a blog where I post comments related with Social Marketing, one of the more interesting area of Marketing in the last 20 years.


a little bit of history
I was born in Santiago, Chile in the late sixties. I grew up during a difficult time in my country both socially and politically (70’s and 80’s), but it was fun anyway. My childhood, my school, teachers and my parents have been a big inspiration in my life and profession, teaching me that life is simple and fun. During my 14 years of school I developed knowledge, awareness and common sense. I learned the importance of good communication with other people and the value of friendship. These were the years with friends, sports and every day experiences.
After high school I decided to study law, but obviously that was not for me. After two boring years without going out on weekends because I had to memorize text, regulations, codes and articles, I decided to change to economics and study international business in Iplacex Institute.
After graduating in International Business, I started to work for an international company, Baxter Healthcare International. I began my marketing career with Baxter and soon realized the importance of moving on and moving forward to accept new challenges.
After 4 years of achieving success as a marketing and sales analyst I moved to San Francisco for the opportunity to participate in an International Marketing Course at Berkeley University. At Berkeley I discovered a lot of new things, one of these things was the Internet. While surfing the Internet I chose my next move, a Master in Marketing Direction in Autonoma University of Madrid. This was a great experience for me, personally, educationally and professionally. The opportunity to work and study with people from all over the world and to be a part of their creative way of thinking, problem solving techniques and cultures was an exciting experience for me.
When I finished my masters ´I moved to Barcelona, where I worked for 4 years as a Consultant and Project Manager for an eBusiness consulting firm, Multiplica. Working as a Consultant and Project Manager with challenging clients and colleagues was a great opportunity to improve my professional skills and to learn how to play in the big leagues. As a Project Manager and Consultant I worked for: Novartis, Bayer, Schweppes, Young & Rubicam, Caixa de Catalunya, Caja Madrid, Caixa Galicia, University Pompeu Fabra,, Repsol YPF,, Fundación Vicente Ferrer,, Laboratori de Cuina,, and more.
Barcelona is wonderful and the Catalans are great people and I am fortunate enough to have made good friends. However, my destiny was to move, so here I am, for personal reasons, living and working (thanks to the magic of the Internet) in a new, exciting and friendly city, Stockholm, Sweden.
I am still employed in Barcelona as a freelance. Every 2 or 3 months I return to work as a guest professor and consultant for the International Business Programs of the Pompeu Fabra University, thanks to a good friend who gave me the opportunity to do so.
Next move ¿? To be continued…

professional definition
I'm an offline and online marketing and business strategist with experience in project management, marketing strategies, market research (benchmark), creativity, marketing plan, control & metrics, forecast and budget implementations. I can offer multi-disciplinary expertise in managing any kind of marketing and communications projects, for small, mid-sized and large companies, with emphasis in New Media and Social Marketing.

professional belief
“I like to work and participate in any kind of marketing or business project where companies, clients and every person involved in the process sets high priorities in: the person behind the professional, team work, the use of new technologies, research, creativity, common sense and most importantly… ethics and society”.

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my indispensable books
.: Pro books
Crossing the Chasm (by Geoffrey A. Moore).

Purple Cow (by Seth Godin).

Social Marketing (by Philip Kotler).

Hacia la empresa en Red (by Alfons Cornella).

The Culting of Brands (by Douglas Atkin).

The Power of Identity (by Manuel Castells).

Permission Marketing (by Seth Godin).

.: Others
Modern Times (by Paul M. Johnson).

Fundation (by Isaac Asimov).

Poemas para combatir la calvicie (by Nicanor Parra).


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